Starts on Wednesday, November 7th from 6:30 to 8:30 PM.
There will be 4 coaching sessions from 7:00 – 7:30 PM for the first 4 consecutive Wednesdays. Sessions will cover 2 skate, skate skiing, shooting position, aiming and firing the shot.
Space in the Adult Program is limited by the number of rifles available through Biathlon Yukon. Please contact Mary Jane at [email protected] or 633-2297 to before registering on Zone 4. Once space in the program is confirmed, please go to the Membership page for more information on registering. Cost this year for Adult Biathlon is $150.
Space in the Adult Program is limited by the number of rifles available through Biathlon Yukon. Please contact Mary Jane at [email protected] or 633-2297 to before registering on Zone 4. Once space in the program is confirmed, please go to the Membership page for more information on registering. Cost this year for Adult Biathlon is $150.