Sports Nutrition for the Yukon Athlete in Preparation for the Arctic Winter Games
Join Kim Hickman, community dietitian, who will share practical tips and suggestions for coaches, parents, and athletes on how nutrition plays a role in training. Learn about what types of food to eat before, during, and after training/competition, and how parents and coaches can be role models to shape healthy eating patterns for young athletes.
Wednesday, February 28th - 5:00 pm. - 6:30 p.m. - Sport Yukon Front Foyer
Join Kim Hickman, community dietitian, who will share practical tips and suggestions for coaches, parents, and athletes on how nutrition plays a role in training. Learn about what types of food to eat before, during, and after training/competition, and how parents and coaches can be role models to shape healthy eating patterns for young athletes.
Wednesday, February 28th - 5:00 pm. - 6:30 p.m. - Sport Yukon Front Foyer